Yes, this is about this very page. is my latest iteration of my homepage. It would only contain my profile and some of my past works, may be a little bit of my blog posts on various technical stuffs.
This website is hosted on Cloudflare Pages. It is a static website which means it required no server side stuffs. I choose Hugo as the static web generator as it’s what I’m familliar the most (many of my freelancing works are also Hugo-based). I go with gokarna theme for a very basic and clean look. There are some customization I made to the web, like how the list page displays.
The project is hosted on Github. If the web grows to certain point I might move it to my Gitea as Github does have limitation regarding the repository size and binary files.
By the way, I have to sleepyhead domain name with 2 different LTD. One is used for public size, and another one is my private service. I choose this name because people always says to me that I kinda look sleepy all the time.